Let Naomi Tsur tell you all about the importance of becoming a JGF Stakeholder.
Become A JGF Stakeholder
Do you love Jerusalem?
Do you want to play a personal role in improving the quality of life in Jerusalem?
Do you believe in the ability of civil society to influence local and national policy?
Would you like to be part of a leadership forum?
If your answer is YES, then join the Jerusalem Green Fund (JGF) and become a JERUSALEM STAKEHOLDER.
As a Stakeholder you will be able to:
SUPPORT green initiatives in and around Jerusalem.
EDUCATE youth and adults about civic awareness and responsibility.
INFLUENCE city and national leadership to invest in sustainable infrastructure and services.
ORGANIZE committees and educational workshops addressing urban issues such as environmental education, urban agriculture, respect for the public domain, recycling, active transport, and other urban issues.
DECIDE on JGF policy with your vote at the Annual General Meeting.
The JGF is an Israeli registered non-profit organization (“Amuta”), headed by former Deputy Mayor Naomi Tsur. The JGF supports grassroots initiatives in Jerusalem to promote environmental, social, and economic sustainability. The JGF seeks partnerships with communities and faith in Jerusalem and around the world, that see Jerusalem as one of the important destination in the world.
JERUSALEM STAKEHOLDERS, as the core membership of the JGF, allocate their contributions collectively, in order to maximize their impact.
JERUSALEM STAKEHOLDERS may initiate new projects, or support selected initiatives from the JGF menu of projects. To find out how to get involved contact Batel at
Become A Friend of JGF
JGF Friends give annual support, however do not have voting rights at the Annual General Meeting.
This annual contribution is ONLY 360NIS - $72 - £90
All you have to do is... Click on the DONATE button below.
Become A Young Stakeholder (for under 30s or students)
What does it mean to become a Young Stakeholder?
If you are a student or under 30, you qualify to become a YOUNG JERUSALEM STAKEHOLDER and.....
Join the Green Jerusalem conversation and actively support a more sustainable Jerusalem.
Participate in our Initiatives and Projects.
Start your own Green Initiative.
Have access to Jerusalem's Movers and Shakers.
Learn to Lead a Jerusalem Green Tour.
Help to strengthen the young Green Jerusalem community
All this for just 15NIS/month - $4.5/month - £4/month
All you have to do is... Click on the DONATE button below.